How can you use digital spaces in your courses?
What have others done?
What do online spaces afford students?
The primary purpose of Davidson College is to assist students in developing humane instincts and disciplined and creative minds for lives of leadership and service.
How does/can this happen in online spaces?
This week the focus is how you might use some of what we have been exploring with students. We have already started to talk about this (and the challenges involved), but let’s get into some of the details this week. If you see something that is relevant on Twitter within your networks, share it with us using #DigPINS.
- As before, take some time to read the posts from last week and comment.
- Watch intro to week 3.
- There are two readings below. We will synchronously annotate Jesse Stommel’s piece about why he doesn’t grade, on Thursday. There are also some examples of collaborative projects going on that are possible for a class to join and some other examples/reflections of using open pedagogy.
- Invite someone from your network, either a colleague at Davidson or someone else who you think would be interested, in joining the flash mob annotation on Thursday. I will be sending out an open invite on Twitter, so you can point to that or create your own.
- November 9th, Thursday, 2pm – Flash mob annotation. This is a way to have a discussion around a reading. It is also a good way to introduce/try out annotation with a group for the first time. Here is a little about how it works. This is specifically about Marginal Syllabus project, but I think it is a good description. You can go ahead and take a look at how Chris Gilliard’s piece was annotated/discussed.
- *** #marginalsyllabus just announced a call to join their November annotation this week. I think we should shift and join this group annotation instead. We could tag with #digPINS to make sure we can follow our group as well as the larger group. Let me know what you think in Slack.
- I suggest posting about your plan or your thoughts about using digital space(s) with your students. You can of course post about anything that you are thinking about this week.
- Optional: Friday, November 10th (4:00 – 5:30 pm), Davidson is honored to host a workshop with the leading digital pedagogy expert Dr. Bonnie Stewart. The workshop is titled “Learning in the Open: Teaching with Social Media (& Avoiding Disaster)”. RSVP by Wednesday here.
The Death of the Digital Native – Donna Lanclos – Jesse Stommel
Possible Larger Projects to Join
Examples/Reflections on Open Education Practices – Robin DeRosa – Ashleigh Wade
Brief Reflection on Twitter for Physio Psych – Kameko Halfmann